Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Update

It's Wednesday, so it's time for me to give you an update on what's going on with the Northeast campus launch:

- On Thursday afternoon I met with some people from the El Paso Baptist Association and the Baptist General Convention of Texas to talk about the possibility of them helping fund out launch. They were very encouraging and excited about what we're doing, but are not able to give us any financial support because we're not actually a church plant. That was kind of discouraging, but I know that God's got the money somewhere; we just have to find out where He has it in store for us.

- Yesterday morning I met briefly with the assistant principal of Dr. Nixon Elementary out in the North Hills neighborhood of the Northeast. That is a REALLY nice school and it's got a pretty good setup for having church gatherings there. I was pretty nervous as I was traveling out there because I have never done anything like this before so I didn't know what to expect, but the ladies in the office were SO nice and friendly [and that fact that I took them a couple dozen donuts to snack on didn't hurt either =) ], and the assistant principal, Ms. Aziz was just as friendly.

She took me through the school and showed me around, and she also told me they have had a few churches meet there in the past so they know pretty well what we need and what to expect. I'm still praying about location, but I'm kind of zeroing in on that place because God seems to be opening up the doors for us to meet there.

- I worked with Cheryl, our kids' minister at the Del Sol Church East campus, yesterday to put together another list of potential kids' ministry directors for the Northeast campus team. We've got some great candidates, and I'm praying before I talk with them that God will send me to just the right one because we've only got about a month until the staff are supposed to start their responsibilities if we're going to keep out current launch schedule.

- Tonight I'm meeting with the members of my launch team to pray, think, talk through some details, and see what our next step is from here. Again, it's something I've never done before so I'm kind of nervous - but I'm more confident than nervous because I know God the Son is responsible for His Church, is responsible for this campus, and will lead me as I lead this meeting tonight.

So here's how you can pray for me and for the Northeast campus:

1. Pray for my health. I was SO sick last week and I just barely felt better yesterday, then this morning I work up with a migraine and it's made it hard all day to do my work. I think satan might be attacking me through my health to try to stop our progress.

2. Pray for God to send a kids' ministry director. Not just someone to fill a spot; someone who is called to kids ministry and who will be a great addition to our team. Someone with right character, great chemistry, and the capability to lead a team.

3. Pray for money. If you know anything about me, you know I'm not "all about the benjamins" and I'm not just looking to "make it rain", but we do need money - a LOT of money - to pay for this launch, and I'm just trusting God and waiting on Him to provide.

Thanks for your prayers! You're making a big difference in God's Kingdom by praying for these things.

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