Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Five - Five Prayers

Fridays mean Friday Five posts! I've taken a hiatus the past couple of weaks, mainly because I just was lazy or too busy but I'm back now. This week - 5 prayers I’ve been praying lately.

I don't like to pray canned prayers or chants or meaningless prayers, but there are a few prayers I've been praying in recent months over and over again because they're deeply imprinted on my heart:

1. "God, please give me wisdom, vision, creativity, and self-discipline."

2. "Send revival, start with me."

3. "Show me what to do."

4. For my youth: "God capture their hearts!"

5. For the spiritual journeys and marriages of my fellow staff members and the volunteer leaders at Del Sol: "Lord, draw them closer to You and closer to each other. Let them remember their first love for you and for each other."

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