Sunday, August 24, 2008

Post-weekend brain purge.

- What a crazy week! Today was Promotion Sunday at Del Sol Church's Fire Youth Ministry, one of the biggest Sundays of the year, so planning for it all week was a beast ...but a good beast.

- It was seriously crazy - I think it's gonna take a few days to recover.

- We had 54 junior highers and 43 high schoolers this morning, plus several parents at both gatherings. That's a total of 97 youth today! That's pretty good considering we've been averaging around 65 - 70 youth the past year.

- It's great to have higher numbers because of promoted 6th graders, but we've also been seeing numerical growth through our youth inviting their lost friends to the Mix on Thursdays. Lost people growth is the kind of growth I want to see, not "sheep swapping" growth. Pray for lost people growth!

- Because of our growth, we need more adult leaders (especially in the junior high!) so please pray for that.

- Also because of our growth, the church council approved our proposal to rent the suite next door to the Firehouse in order to make it a game room/small group gathering room and give us more room in the main area of the Firehouse for future growth. That is a HUGE answer to prayer and I am SO pumped about the coming renovations!

- I love it when God brings the words of the Bible to reality in life. Proverbs 11:25 says that the man who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. On Friday, I had the privilege of being part of a conspiracy of grace and even though it required me to work on my only day off, I finished the night feeling so refreshed and blessed because I had been a part of blessing someone else. I love conspiracies of grace!

- I FINALLY cleaned out my CR-V on Saturday. It had been so dirty and muddy from all the rain we've had lately and it had been driving me crazy! It's so stressful for me to drive around in a dirty car, but it always feels so good when I finish cleaning out the inside of my car and get to enjoy having a clean interior to drive around in.

- One word to describe Promotion Sunday this morning: Crawesome. (Crazy+Awesome=Crawesome).

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