Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday Five (a little late) - Five Things I appreciate about Terry

This week's Friday Five (just a little late): five things I appreciate about Terry Gooding, our Prayer Ministry Coordinator at Del Sol Church:

1. Her heart for prayer. She's the prayer coordinator, so of course she's got a heart for prayer - seems a no-brainer, right? Well, I wouldn't say so since throughout history there have been many pastors who weren't even Christians, so I really respect and appreciate that for Terry, prayer is not just her job, but her passion - a passion that's extremely contagious.

2. Her leadership abilities. Terry's a meek, mild-mannered, unimposing character. She's not an up-front, must be in the spotlight kind of person. She's a faithful servant, often in the background - but there's an interesting characteristic about her: she's a great leader. Most people think to be a leader you have to be visible and vocal, but Terry seems to do just fine leading the prayer team her way - out of the spotlight, letting God get the glory.

3. Her desperation for God. Part of her unimposing character comes from her desperation for God. She does not at all try to pretend she's got it all together because she knows that she - like the rest of us - are all messed up, sinful, broken people who need God's grace to live in a way that is both pleasing to Him and beneficial to us.

4. Her caring heart for people. Being the prayer ministry coordinator, Terry deals with some incredibly sensitive, personal prayer needs and handles them in a very wise, careful way. Also, she is extremely approachable and caring and gentle, and she makes you truly feel the love of God when you're around her.

5.Her willingness to help. There have been many times in staff meeting where we're discussing a matter and Terry offers to help, or makes a helpful suggestion about someone else who might be able to help with something. She's extremely helpful, and always eager and available when you need something, no matter how big or small.

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